Easy English Sep.21.2020 I'd love to experience as much as I can.
하루 한번 Easy English 복습 스크립트 


* 본문 
​​A. 왜 여행을 계속 가고 싶어 하는거야??
B. 난 세상을 더 많이 보고싶고, 가능한한 많은걸 해 보고 싶어.
   내가 좋아하는 매트 기억하지?
A. 응 그 캐나다 사람?
B. 맞아, 매트한테 왜 그렇게 여행을 오래하느냐고 물었어.
   망설임없이 그러드라 "세상을 보려고" 라고.
   시력이 나빠지고 있다는게 여행을 할 자극이 되었던거 같아.

A. What makes you want to travel again and again?
B. I'd love to see the world more and experience as much as I can
   Do you remember Mat, one of my favorite travel buddies?
A. Yes, that guy from Canada?
B. Right. I asked him why he had been traveling so long. 
   He said without hesitation "To see the world". 
   His eyesight was failing so he was really motivated to travel.

   (He had a fire in his eye)


* 오늘의 단어

hesitation : 1. [U] 주저, 망설임; 우유부단; 어물어물함, 우물쭈물함 ((in)) 2. (말)더듬기 

예문 ) Her hesitation about signing the contract was based on financial concerns. (hesitation about)

